Eastern Shore Cooperator

The Eastern Shore Cooperator is in its 8th year of publication. Eleven times a year (Jan/Feb is combined), and day-to-day on Facebook, we work to inform, amuse, and celebrate the people, the communities, and the cultures of the Eastern Shore. Founded in 2014 by Laurie Cook, Gina Dunn, Shasta Smith, and Richard Bell, the Cooperator is a nonprofit cooperative sustained by a combination of paid advertising, monthly supporters, and a dedicated team of volunteer writers, columnists and photographers. Canada Post delivers each issue for free to 14,000 households from Lawrencetown and the Prestons in the west along the Shore all the way to Ecum Secum, and northward to Middle and Upper Musquodoboit.  

The Cooperator is the only media outlet dedicated to covering life on the Eastern Shore. We provide in-depth reporting on complicated stories about the impact of major government proposals. We report on new business start-ups, and the successes of existing businesses. Every issue has an interview with an artist or craftsperson, bringing attention to the richness of the Shore’s cultural resources. We are looking forward to resuming coverage of sports and recreation as we move out of Covid-19 restrictions. And in the Letters to the Editor section, and in Opinion columns, we offer people a chance to respond critically to everything we’ve printed.  

Every issue represents the combined effort of dozens of people. We were very happy to receive the Chamber’s 2019 Business of the Year award. We are grateful for the loyalty of the businesses who continued to advertise with us despite the Covid downturn. We give special thanks to everyone who has become a Supporter contributing monthly. And we are always looking for suggestions for new articles; send us an email at info@easternshorecooperator.ca.  

–Richard Bell, Editor 

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