CBDC Blue Water

CBDC Blue Water is one of 41 Community Business Development Corporations (CBDCs) located in Atlantic Canada. The focus at CBDC Blue Water is the business and economic development of rural HRM. They can offer their clients small business loans up to $150,000 to help entrepreneurs start, improve and expand, or purchase an established business. They also deliver specific programs targeted at young entrepreneurs, start-up businesses, student entrepreneurs, female entrepreneurs and businesses implementing new technology or bringing a new technology to market.

At CBDC Blue Water, they also understand that many small business owners are experts in their respective fields. However, many can face certain struggles with general business practices during their day-to-day operations such as bookkeeping or marketing. They provide training and counselling services to clients that will help them run their business more efficiently.

The Business Development Officers at CBDC Blue Water help guide their clientele along throughout the loan application processes. They want you and your business to succeed. So, they encourage any small business owner or aspiring business owner to reach out to them and see how they can help you with your business.

You can find CBDC Blue Water at 61 Stella Dr. Unit #3 (in the new Porters Lake strip mall). You can get in touch with them by calling (902) 827-5564, or toll free 1-800-565-2773.

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